Friday, February 3, 2017

Those who seek Refugee

This week, myself and many others in America have had our attentions turned towards the refugee crisis that is plaguing our world. I have seen many reactions towards the crisis. Some are angry. Angry with government. Angry with the world. Angry with people. Others are sympathetic. They want to help, but don't know how, then get discouraged. I have pondered much about what reaction is the Christlike reaction to have. In a way it is both. We should not as much be angry but we should let our voices be heard in response to unfair orders. We should be sympathetic but find a way to have our passions make a difference. While pondering these sentiments, I wrote this poem.

A war fought, homes lost
Families cross the waters tossed
All with hope of a better life
To leave behind the toils and the strife. 

A child now free has reached the shore
A brand new life with an open door.
The greatest struggle yet to come
"How can I call this new place home?"

A friend made and a hand outstretched 
helps them come out of the depths. 
They are not defined by this great scar,
But how we serve defines who we are. 

Christ said "Verily I say to you,
When I was low, you helped me through. 
So as you help these brethren free, 

Behold, ye have done it unto me." 

I have never really wrote poetry much before but it kind of just flowed out. I feel that the greatest thing we can do is do what Christ would have done: love. We have to reach out to these people and help. If we are not able to access such people, then we should strive to serve people around us. Whenever we serve our fellow men, we are serving God. It is our job to find these opportunities and do our part.

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