Friday, January 27, 2017

Choose ye, Choose ye

God in the Garden of Eden commanded Adam and Eve to first, multiply and replenish the Earth and second, to eat all of the fruit of the trees in the garden except "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it, nevertheless, thou mayest choose for thyself, for it is given unto thee; but, remember that I forbid it, for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." (Moses 3:17) Never before and not once since has our Father in Heaven given a commandment and added a way out. It's like when your mother tell you that "you should really go and clean your room because we have family coming over soon," and then adds, "but if you want your cousins to see how messy you are, you could just leave it." She wants you to clean up your room but gives you the option that comes along with a punishment by direct effect.

God gives us commandments that he knows will bless us if we follow them but then respects that we have the choice laid before us. He loves us enough to let us to have trials and to let us to have rainy days so that we can learn and love the good days. The same way that Adam and Eve would never have know happiness with knowing sorrow, we can never understand how much God blesses us with out having choices. 

I know in my life that when I am following the Spirit and striving my best to keep all the commandments, my life is happy. Not that trials don't come but when they do come I know they are meant to happen and I can always make it through them. It is a choice for us to be bogged down and broken by trials. We can choose to be happy and have the Spirit with us all the time.

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