Saturday, January 14, 2017

Speck of time

I particularly needed to hear once again that not only I am a child of God.

Moses 1:29 “And [Moses] beheld many lands; and each land was called earth, and there were inhabitants on the face thereof.”

I needed to hear that not only am I a child of God but an offspring of an all powerful God who is the ruler of not just this world but of the whole expanding universe with infinite earths similar to mine with even more infinite children. Here on this earth, we like to think we know a lot. We have made machines that wash our clothes, chairs that can fly in the sky, and we have even made possible to share information with every corner of the world at the push of a button! We think that because of the advances we have made with sending a man to the moon and making massive telescopes that we understand the universe. 

God’s ways will always be higher than our ways and we know nothing. In fact, we are nothing. We are stubborn children that always fall into sin and contend with our fellow man. And we are just 7 billion of the numberless children who act the same way across the expanse of space. God holds all the worlds in his hand but he holds each of us in his heart. When attempting to understand the scale and magnitude of God’s love, we can’t even comprehend it all. But the fact that he loves me personally and I can have a personal and real relationship with him, it puts into perspective the trivialities and the useless aspects of our lives that we spend time on. Of course, God cares what we care about, but we put our focus on things of this world like caring what people thing about us, how we look and how cool we are, we are just wasting our time. All of our trials, or things we thing are trials are just a spec in time of the eternities. 

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