Monday, February 13, 2017

Joyfully, Joyfully Marching Towards our Home.

We all know where it is where we are going, maybe not all the details like what it looks like, where exactly it is or what it will be like there, but we know that we can return and live with God again. Of course, we aren't the one's who issue the final judgement of whether or not we can really be let into the gates, but if we follow the gospel of Jesus Christ, having faith and repentance and baptism and Holy Ghost and endurance, we are pretty sure God being perfectly just will let us in. It's the endurance that I hope he will look at the most. In some ways, having faith and repentance and baptism is kind of easy. Believe and don't do bad things and get baptised at 8. Seems simple. And they are! But is not as much of the WHAT we do but the HOW we do it. We cannot go our entire life keeping the commandments and serving and going to church but do it begrudgingly and complaining about it. We have to, as Joseph Smith said, "cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed." (D&C 123:17) 

As trials come, we have to understand that they are devices that Heavenly Father uses to show that He loves us. It's like a boss at work. It is only with those he trusts that he gives the most important jobs. The more he trusts you, the hard the job. Maybe that's why Job got his name, God knew he could trust him. ;)

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